What I Learned from Crashing a Jet: Part 5 – Taking Off the Mask to Connect

People Wearing Masks

In the months that followed my accident, I felt many emotions. I am unsure I could explicitly identify the feelings I was experiencing at the time, but I now know it was shame, dread, awkwardness, and self-consciousness. Looking back, I was forced to push through these sentiments, which was fortunate for my growth. But it

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What I Learned from Crashing a Jet: Part 4 – How to Let Go and Soar

Soaring Eagle

We gain a sense of security through control. If we can influence our environment and its processes, we forecast our future more easily. As neuroscience has learned, predicting our future is directly tied to our survival mechanisms by reducing our energy output. The circumstances after my mishap were no different – I wanted to predict

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What I Learned from Crashing a Jet: Part 3 — The Importance of Clarifying Your Values

Having a firm grasp of our values offers many benefits. They serve as guideposts in decision-making, build a sense of purpose, and develop our moral compass. Through adolescence, we tend to take on the values of the institutions in our life, including figures we hold in high esteem or organizations we belong to. But as

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What I Learned from Crashing a Jet: Part 2 – Living in the Moment

Boat Sailing into a Storm

We approach every situation with a certain amount of energy. Several factors, such as sleep, nutrition, and environmental conditions, can influence our levels. However, we fail to function at our utmost potential if we don’t utilize our energy fully.* Reflecting on the afternoon of my fateful flight, I realize that my performance was not my

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